Administration ministry
Provide operational support
that enables ministry by the
congregation, e.g., finance,
phone reception or office
Adult ministry
Help adults grow in faith and
discipleship. Facilitate, teach
or organize adult Christian
education opportunities, e.g.,
Sunday school, Bible study or
Wednesday Night Together
Children’s ministry
Help children experience
God’s love and learn about
Jesus. Teach, assist or
organize children’s growth
opportunities, e.g., Sunday
school, Vacation Bible School
or special needs ministry.
Help the congregation,
visitors and the public
connect with Christ through
the ministries of St. Mark’s,
e.g., graphic design, video,
newsletter, Website or social
Facilities ministry
Provide facilities oversight
that enables ministry at St.
Mark’s, e.g., building
maintenance, security or
campus grounds.
Family ministry
Recognize and celebrate the
role of the family in Christian
discipleship. Coordinate
church-wide opportunities
for fellowship and mission,
e.g., spring picnic, fall festival
and special recognition.
Inviting ministry
Extend the hospitality of
Christ to visitors and
worshippers, e.g., usher,
greeter, coffee service, visitor
follow-up or new member
In-reach ministry
(congregational care)
Share the love of Christ with
members during some of life’s
most challenging times. Assist
in congregational care for St.
Mark’s members, e.g., Visiting
ministry, Communion
ministry, Manna ministry or
Stephen Ministry.
Music ministry
Help people experience God
in worship through music or
help mentor young musicians,
e.g., instrumentalists,
Wednesday Night Praise
helper or music librarian.
SONlight Youth Choir
rehearses Sunday, 4:00 p.m.
Chancel Ringers
rehearses Sunday, 5:15 p.m.
Chancel Choir
rehearses Wednesday, 7:15
Recreation ministry
Champion physical and
mental well-being through
rest, play and fellowship.
Coordinate recreational and
leisure activities, e.g., sports
teams or recreational events.
Senior adult ministry
Encourage older adults in
Christian ministry and
fellowship. Coordinate
service, support and leisure
activities, e.g., SAGES
programs, group service
initiatives or day trips.
Student ministry
Help young people grow in
faith and discipleship.
Facilitate, teach or organize
Christian education,
recreation or service
opportunities for young
people, e.g., Sunday school, Youth group, snack
suppers, retreats or mission
Worship ministry
Help people experience God
in worship by providing
creative or functional
support, e.g., Liturgist
(reader), Communion service
or preparation, creative
worship team, worship sound
board and slides, Altar Guild
(chancel décor) or Christmas