We share a common heritage with all Christians, as affirmed in our statement of faith:
- We believe in the one true, holy and living God, creator of all things, who is
revealed in three ways: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
- We believe Jesus Christ is the only Son of God and was born of the Virgin Mary by
the power of the Holy Spirit – truly God and truly human. Jesus lived, suffered and died, so
all believers may be reconciled with God through him.
- We believe in the Holy Spirit, who comforts, sustains and empowers believers and
guides them into truth.
- We believe that the Holy Bible, made up of what Christians call the Old and New Testaments, reveals the Word of God so far
as it is necessary for our salvation.
- We believe the Christian Church is the body of Christ, an extension of Christ’s life and ministry in the world. The Church exists for worship, discipleship and the
redemption of the world.
- We believe we are sinners and, apart from Christ, are prone to evil. The only way to salvation is to confess sin and trust in Christ as Savior and Lord.
- We believe one day Jesus will return to earth in triumph. He will receive all
believers into his eternal Kingdom and will judge the unrighteous.
We don’t believe we have it all figured out. For moral, social and theological issues, United
Methodists rely first on God’s Word found in the Holy Bible, and then on Christian tradition, cumulative experience and careful use of reason.
More about what we believe.
We believe the Sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion are outward and visible signs of God’s love for us. The Sacraments are means of grace that God uses to work in our hearts.
Baptism celebrates our new identity in
Christ. It is an expression of the covenant
God initiates with us to live as faithful
disciples of Christ. We encourage and
celebrate the baptism of infants and
children, as it marks their inclusion in God’s
church and recognizes God’s grace is
already at work in their lives.
More about baptism.
Holy Communion
All who love Christ, earnestly repent of
their sin and seek to live in peace with one
another are invited to share in Holy
Communion. It is an expression of praise
and thanks for all that God has done, is
doing and will do to save us and restore us
through Christ.
Communion is celebrated by eating the
bread and drinking the cup (grape juice),
which represent the body and blood of
Christ. At St. Mark’s, we celebrate Holy
Communion on the first Sunday of each
month and at special times during the year. Our bread is dairy, soy, nut, and gluten free and our cup is alcohol free in an effort to make the Lord's Table accessible and available to all.
More about Holy Communion.
Wesleyan heritage
Grace is central to a United Methodist understanding of Christian faith
and life. Grace can be defined as the love and mercy given to us by God
because God wants us to have it, not because of anything we have done
to earn it.
At the same time, the founder of the Methodist movement, John Wesley,
and others insisted that faith and good works belong together. What we
believe must be confirmed by what we do. As we grow in faith through
our participation in the church, we are also nourished and equipped for
service in the world.