God gave His son Jesus Christ in the greatest act of generosity ever
known. God wants us to share the Gift! When we generously offer our
time, talent and treasure to God, others may know Christ and the
world may be changed through him.
God’s idea
Jesus speaks of stewards who are in charge of their master’s property.
The stewards receive and manage a portion of the master’s property,
but they don’t own it. The stewards take care of it, increase its value
according to what they were given and return it to the master for his
use. (Matthew 25:14-30)
So it is with Christian disciples. God gives us each a unique measure of time, talent and treasure, and wants us to manage and share these
gifts for his glory. This is known as stewardship. We may not be perfect
stewards, but through our gifts, given generously and cheerfully, God
can change the world!
Your commitment
You commit to stewardship when you commit your life to Christ. In The
United Methodist Church, you personally acknowledge God’s
generosity toward you and commit your time, talent and treasure to
God when you join the church. You live out your commitment when
you serve in ministry for God and give generously to God.
Giving through the church
When you give through the church, you support ministry that
encourages people to know, experience and grow in the love of Christ. Click this link to update your contact information, identify service interests, and/or make a financial pledge.
Where do I start?
Start with prayer. Ask God to help you trust him. God is not after your money. God is after your heart. When your heart is committed to God, your treasure will be too (Matthew 6:21).
Why does the church encourage a pledge?
The Bible teaches us to plan to give, not wait to see what’s leftover (I Corinthians 16:1-2). This is why the church encourages you to make a pledge. You are trusting in God to provide, not in yourself to make it so.
How much should I give?
With God’s help, you decide how much you will intentionally commit through the church. The Old Testament offers guidance in which God’s people were to bring their tithe, the first ten percent of their earnings, to the storehouse (Leviticus 27:30, Malachi 3:10, Proverbs 3:9). The New Testament emphasizes giving in keeping with the magnitude of grace God has offered you. Consider 2 Corinthians 9:6-15. Ask God to give you the wisdom to be a good steward of treasure He has given to you. For additional guidance, contact a pastor.
What if something changes?
God knows your income or life circumstances may change. You can update your pledge at any time.