The congregation at St. Mark’s United Methodist Church is an active
body of believers seeking to grow and serve as disciples of Christ so the
world may be changed through him. Come as you are. All of us do –
bringing our hopes, troubles, questions and life experiences with us.
We are a local church in the Tennessee Conference of the global United Methodist Church. We got our start in 1929, just before the stock
market crashed, and have ministered through times of struggle and
growth ever since.
With Christ as our firm foundation, we continue to worship and serve so
lives may be changed. The next chapter in the St. Mark’s story could be
your own. Won’t you join us?
Your story
You can find community, wisdom and support as part of a church. The
church is not a building or place to go. It is a living body that God wants you
to be a part of – for God's glory and your good.
Church membership is an active, ongoing journey toward Christ.
Membership vows include a promise to faithfully participate in ministry
through your prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness, in connection
with the congregation. You’re invited to prayerfully consider joining St.
The Next Step class is available to orient you to The United Methodist
Church and to St. Mark’s. Offered several times a year, it’s a great place
for you to ask questions, talk with staff, and get to know many people and
perspectives from the congregation.
Take the next step. Explore church membership with a pastor.
Source: McFerrin, Florence (2002). Acorns to Oaks: The Story of a Church. Murfreesboro, Tennessee: St. Mark’s United
Methodist Church.