Wayne and Dorothy's story

(Dorothy) “For weeks I said the same thing, ‘You don’t really have to go, do you?’ An enjoyable Wednesday – Wayne’s day off and the day we spent together – would always come to end for Wayne to go to choir practice… again. Wayne joined the choir the Sunday we joined the church in 1988 – the first Sunday! That was more than 20 years ago at the time. How much practice did one person need?”

(Wayne) “I sang in the church choir from the time I was young – children’s choir, youth choir and then adult. It was always something I enjoyed and a way I could serve in the church. On Sunday mornings at St. Mark’s, I’d be in the choir loft and Dorothy would be in the congregation with our son, Will.”

(Dorothy) “But, when Will went to college I sat by myself on Sundays and stayed at home by myself on Wednesday nights. I didn’t like it. I think Wayne got tired of me saying so and suggested I go to choir practice with him.”

(Wayne) “Someone asked me how many people have joined the choir because I’ve asked them to. I said probably more have left because of me – and my singing – than have joined! In all seriousness though, Dorothy was already thinking about new ways she could serve at St. Mark’s, so my timing was good.”

(Dorothy)  “I joined the choir and haven’t looked back. I’m not a great singer, but the choir whole is greater than the sum of the parts. I’ve made good friends I wouldn’t have met otherwise. I truly appreciate the opportunity to honor God and serve families in the church when we sing together.”


