“Initially, I became involved with youth group
because my son was involved. Parents were encouraged to sign up as helpers with
Sunday school. As an elementary school teacher, specifically kindergarten, I
was very apprehensive since middle school was not my training. I volunteered to
sit in the middle school class as a shepherd. I made connections with this
class, and when a permanent leader was needed, I volunteered to help. I found
that this was something that I could do and continued to make connections with
the youth. The connection I have made with the youth is so strong – especially
the middle schoolers.
What keeps me
returning as a volunteer with youth? The youth, the adult leaders, and the
church staff! Being a youth volunteer, I help these students discover their
faith journeys. This is such an important thing to do! These youth want to make
a difference for the best. They are all so amazing in wanting to make our world
a better place by being the hands and feet of God.
I felt the most
connected to God when I accompanied the middle school students on a mission
trip to Chattanooga. I was very proud of our youth during this trip. They
worked hard and did so many things outside of their comfort zones. If the kids
could do that, then I could do the same as an adult. They set such a great
example of following Christ. On the last night, we participated in a worship
service where the leaders washed the youth’s feet. We were asked to pray for
our youth and share ways we witnessed our youth grow that week.
Anyone can
volunteer. It can be in a large or small way, and you do not need to be an
expert to work with our youth. All you need is to have a good attitude, be a
good listener, participate and try new things. I hope people will see that
anyone can help out – no matter where they are in their faith journey. I hope I
have encouraged the youth to continue their personal faith journeys and keep on
their journeys once they have graduate and begin lives on their own.”